President and CEO Arrey Perez led the CIAC delegation to the International Aerospace Innovation Forum organized by Aero Montreal, in cooperation with the Government of Quebec—the world’s third largest center of aerospace manufacturing—on 21 to 22 May 2024.
The International Aerospace Innovation Forum is the largest gathering of international aerospace decision-makers in Canada, hosting participants from over 20 different countries at the Palais des congrès de Montréal. At the forum, industry leaders, experts, and professionals sat on different panels to discuss their insights and outlook for the aerospace industry.
PCEO Perez was invited to speak at the international cooperation panel aptly called, Wings of Unity: Strengthening International Collaborations in Aerospace. During the discussions, PCEO Perez emphasized how international collaborations can greatly bolster the aerospace sector in the Philippines and Clark, and that skilled Filipino labor can be given the opportunity to expand the industry not just locally, but internationally.
PCEO Perez also participated in the Distinguished International Visitor’s Program (DIVP) of the Government of Quebec, along with Prof. Ts. Shamsul Kamar ABU SAMAH, CEO, National Aerospace Industry Corporation of Malaysia; M. Kheng Yok SIA, Chief Executive, Association of Aerospace Industries of Singapore; and M. Koji Nishimura, Board Director and COO, TOHMEI Industries Co. Ltd, of Japan.
Apart from attendance at the International Aerospace Innovation Forum, the DIVP guests toured and met with the top aerospace and technology industry players in the world, spearheading the development of the aerospace ecosystem in Montreal. During the dialogues, PCEO Perez highlighted investment and expansion opportunities in the Philippines and opened discussions on the future of Clark as the next aerospace hub in the region. During his visit, PCEO Perez also had the opportunity to meet Filipinos employed by leading Quebec companies.
Photo shows (L-R) PCEO Perez; Prof. Ts. Shamsul Kamar Abu Samah, CEO, National Aerospace Industry Corp. (NAICO Malaysia); Elisa Valentin, Ministry of International Relations and La Francophonie of Quebec; M. Kheng Yok Sia, Chief Executive, Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore AAIS); and M. Koji Nishimura, Board Director and COO, TOHMEI Industries Co. Ltd (Japan).
Photo shows Melanie Lussier, President of Aéro Montreal, meeting with President Perez prior to their discussion of future collaborations with the CIAC. Also in the photo is Damien Pereira, Aéro Montreal’s Director for Growth and International Affairs.
Photo shows (L-R) Prof. Ts. Shamsul Kamar ABU SAMAH, CEO, National Aerospace Industry Corp. (NAICO Malaysia); PCEO Perez; and M. Kheng Yok SIA, Chief Executive, Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore AAIS) taken during their panel discussion at Wings of Unity: Strengthening International Collaborations in Aerospace.
Photo shows (L-R) Elisa Valentin, Ministry of International Relations and La Francophonie of Quebec, receiving Philippine products from PCEO Perez.
Photo shows PCEO Perez visiting the booth of Wisk, a fully-owned subsidiary of Boeing, engaged in the development, testing, and certification expertise on electric, vertical takeoff and landing flight, and of multiple generations of aircraft, including its revolutionary all-electric, self-flying eVTOL air taxi.
Photo shows (L-R): M. Kheng Yok Sia, Chief Executive, Association of Aerospace Industries of Singapore; Melanie Lussier, President of Aero Montreal; PCEO Perez; and Damien Pereira, Aero Montreal’s Director for Growth and International Affairs.